Human intestinal organoid model for celiac disease research

Celiac disease pathogenesis, in addition to immune cell component, encompasses pathogenic events also in the duodenal epithelium. In celiac disease patients, exposure to dietary gluten induces drastic changes in epithelial differentiation and elicit cellular response to inflammatory cytokines. The autoantigen in celiac disease, transglutaminase 2 (TG2) enzyme, has been also suggested to play its pathogenic…

HEDIMED Public Platform

Visualizations, Interactive graphs, Correlation between different factors, Risk factors showcasing, Dissemination of scientific articles, Educational Material A) The instructions on how to upload data on the public toolbox will be disseminated through the Research platform since the public data are being loaded from thereB) Access to the dashboards is available by clicking on the corresponding…


Terramonitor Geosampler calculates the zonal statistics (mean, maximum, minimum etc.) from a raster file containing geographical information, around coordinate points defined in the input file with a given radius in meters. Produces a csv file in the output directory with zonal statistics added to the points. The method is based on the QGIS Zonal Statistics…


The geocoder converts addresses to coordinates and produces a csv file with coordinates in the output directory. The method is based on the geopy Python package, see for detailed information. Requirements Ubuntu operating system + Python3 Usage python3 [csv filename with addresses in input directory] Example: python3 sample_input.csv The input csv file should…

Data analysis methods for analyzing Olink proteomics data

A set of interlocked functions used to accelerate analysis of Olink proteomics data including endpoints. The idea is to have a standard syntax to enable the same types of analyses with multiple cohorts, datasets, and endpoints. Instructions The functions are used in R, using the RStudio interface on the HEDIMED analysis platform, but can be…

Array-in-Well (AiW) Multiplex Assay Platform

The Array-in-well (AiW) platform is a high-throughput array-based multiplex assay platform that offers a sample-saving alternative to replacing or complementing ELISA in serological analyses. The AiW platform consists of dot arrays printed at the bottom of microtiter plate wells. Each well can contain nearly a hundred dots of different bio-affinity reagents, such as antibodies, antigens,…