Project Newsletter | Autumn 2024
The final dash is on! This newsletter offers a brief overlook on latest activities, including Coordinator’s greetings, list of the latest blog series and events.
Dear HEDIMED partners and followers,
it is time for a recall in the form of a short letter. It is exciting to see all the progress that has made by HEDIMED during the past months – we are currently in a very productive phase. Looking at our publications list is astonishing – we truly have made it this far!
The first half of 2024 has run by quickly, and alongside the hectic scientific work, HEDIMED’s administrative effort has focused on the preparation of the amendment for the project plan. We are still waiting for the European Commission to give their official statement on the desired project extension and will shortly inform you about the decision. Moreover, our hands have been full of several European Human Exposome Network (EHEN) coordination activities, the responsibility of which is shared with two other EU-funded exposome research projects, REMEDIA and EPHOR. This collaboration has also been very productive, and we are glad to be involved in organizing the EHEN scientific and stakeholder meetings in Brussels in November! Also, being part of the lead in the last active months of EHEN, the preparation of the EHEN policy brief and planning of the stakeholder interaction have been an invaluable learning experience, and more are sure to follow!
Looking into the future, there is anticipation for several new publications, implementation of the toolbox, a few more blog posts, one more on-site Consortium meeting, and finally, building of stakeholder interaction by the end of the project. I am looking forward to the most exciting phase of this big project and wish everyone an enjoyable shift from summer to fall – and from vacations to offices!
Stay tuned and read more about HEDIMED’s highlights in this newsletter and X !
Heikki Hyöty
We proudly share a comprehensive list of blog publications on our website. You may have a look at the latest blog posts about novel technologies used in HEDIMED research, such as Array-in-well, mesoscale, allergy testing device and fecal volatilomics. In addition, we have written blog posts from the dietary perspective of exposome, see the list below.
Faecal volatilomics in exposome research: Read here
Adapting efficient multiplex technologies: Array-in-Well and Mesoscale: Read here
CSEM’s cutting-edge portable solution for allergy testing: Read here
Novel technologies used in HEDIMED: Read here
The eaten exposome: findings in type 1 diabetes: Read here
More friend than a foe? Linking food microbiome and human health: Read here
EHEN network meeting, autumn 2024
The European Human Exposome Network has its final meeting between in Brussels, 26th-28th November 2024. There will be two scientific days and one day for EHEN Stakeholder Event.
Registeration is open until 15th October. Stay tuned for more EHEN related news!
HEDIMED Consortium meeting, spring 2025
The final HEDIMED Consortium meeting has been planned for 8th-11th April 2025 in Siena, Italy. This meeting will be internal for the most part, details will follow.
The European Human Exposome Network (EHEN) is the world’s largest network of projects studying the impact of environmental exposure on human health. It brings together 9 EU research projetcs that address issues such as exposures to air quality, noise, chemicals, urbanisation etc. and health impacts.
Read more about EHEN and see their latest news.