VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a state-owned and -controlled non-profit limited liability company established by law and operating under the ownership steering of the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy. VTT is an RTO whose activities are focusing on three areas: Knowledge intensive products and services, Smart industry and energy systems, and Solutions for natural resources and environment. VTT has a staff of 2109, net turnover in 2017 was 153,1M€ and other operational incomes were 82,3M€. VTT Knowledge Intensive Products and Services focus area is working on innovations in information and communication technologies to improve health and wellbeing.
In HEDIMED, VTT will be developing data management and analysis methods and decision support tools for the exposome toolbox. VTT will also develop biosensors, system-dynamic modelling for decision-making, and use of satellite images for environmental information of the living environment.
Both the VTT headquarters at Espoo and VTT Tampere office will take part in the Hedimed project, with a majority of VTT’s Hedimed work conducted in Tampere.
Decision support systems, personal health systems, behaviour change support systems, eHealth and mHealth technologies, biosignal and image analysis and visualization and mass data analysis, system-dynamics modelling, satellite data analysis, biosensors
Juha Pajula, Juha.Pajula@vtt.fi
Peter Ylén, Peter.Ylen@vtt.fi
Petri Saviranta, Petri.Saviranta@vtt.fi
Jukka Ranta, jukka.ranta@vtt.fi
Eija Parmes, Research scientist
Juha Pärkkä, Principal Scientist, project manager

Juha Pajula
WP10 leader: Research Scientist, project manager, Exposome Data Analysis and Modelling Toolbox functionality

Peter Ylen
Research team leader, System dynamics modelling, VTT

Matthieu Molinier
Research Scientist, Earth Observation / Satellite image analysis (WP5)