University of Siena
Professor Francesco Dotta is Head of the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neuroscience, Università degli Studi di Siena, Professor of Endocrinology and Director of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition Units at Policlinico University Hospital in Siena. In HEDIMED, the group will concentrate on characterizing the contents (non-coding RNAs and proteins) of serum circulating exosome from the HEDIMED cohorts.
With the collaboration with Professor Elena Bargagli, Professor of Respiratory Medicine at University Hospital of Siena, will partecipate to the study of asthma cohort. The group of research will collect data and serum/plasma samples from asthmatic patients, allergen measurements and characterization of exosome through proteomic and cytofluorimetric approach.
UNISI is also the cohort owner of HESE, HESEINT and SINPHONIE asthma cohorts.
In Hedimed, the group is responsible for virome sequencing and for co-ordination of testing of specific external exposures, namely to infectious agents.
Type 1 diabetes, allergic asthma, immunology, innate immunity, miRNA studies, metabolism