Docent (Environmental Ecology), research scientist Aki Sinkkonen at Natural Resources Institute Finland founded and coordinates the environmental ecological and environmental microbiological research group “Nature-Based Solutions Research Group” at Natural Resources Institute Finland and University of Helsinki. Sinkkonen has a wide expertise in the fields of environmental contamination, environmental microbial ecology and environmental health. In recent years, he has published several papers shedding light on the complex relationships between land use type, environmental and commensal microbiota, environmental pollution and immune response.
Sinkkonen is the head of WP 5 “Characterization of General External Environment”. He is responsible for the intervention trial PREVALL Finland and his role is central in intervention trials in the HEDIMED.
Environmental ecology, environmental microbial communities, environmental pollution, intervention trials, land cover, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, skin microbiota, soil microbiota