Exposome-Disease Association
This tool will show relations between exposome and risk factors and IMDs based on scientific evidence with expert comment.
This tool will show relations between exposome and risk factors and IMDs based on scientific evidence with expert comment.
HEDIMED Research Platform concept creates a researcher-friendly centralised data analytics solution with local like user experience. The system is scalable and can be deployed with any container supporting environment. Instructions The tool has multiple user roles:
Simulation model of natural history of T1D with primary and / or secondary prevention that shows how disease incidence can be reduced significantly if currently assessed interventions prove efficacious enterovirus vaccine (teplizumab).
A 500 MHz spectrometer dedicated to metabolomics of biological samples, with standard protocols for faecal, urine, and plasma analysis, is a powerful tool capable of monitoring the concentrations of 30-60 small molecular metabolites in each sample. It is suitable for robust screening of biological samples in clinical studies or epidemiological cohorts. This spectrometer allows for…
Terramonitor Geosampler calculates the zonal statistics (mean, maximum, minimum etc.) from a raster file containing geographical information, around coordinate points defined in the input file with a given radius in meters. Produces a csv file in the output directory with zonal statistics added to the points. The method is based on the QGIS Zonal Statistics…
Visualizations, Interactive graphs, Correlation between different factors, Risk factors showcasing, Dissemination of scientific articles, Educational Material A) The instructions on how to upload data on the public toolbox will be disseminated through the Research platform since the public data are being loaded from thereB) Access to the dashboards is available by clicking on the corresponding…
The geocoder converts addresses to coordinates and produces a csv file with coordinates in the output directory. The method is based on the geopy Python package, see https://geopy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ for detailed information. Requirements Ubuntu operating system + Python3 Usage python3 geocoder.py [csv filename with addresses in input directory] Example: python3 geocoder.py sample_input.csv The input csv file should…