HEDIMED kickoff

12-14th of February 2020



HEDIMED kickoff

12-14th of February 2020

In February 2020 the entire HEDIMED consortium gathered together for the first time in a three-day kick-off meeting in Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland. In a total of 87 participants attended the face-to-face meeting and spent long but productive days getting to know the details of the project and meeting the other participants.

Presentations included introductions to the project aims and objectives and all 22 partners. Also, project management and clinical birth cohorts and trials were introduced. Different work packages (WPs) presented their objectives, with the lead of WP Leaders that had been selected before the meeting, and started planning the work. Members for different committees, including Steering Committee, Publication Committee and Ethical and Data Protection Committee, we selected in the first General Assembly meeting. Project management team also brought greetings from the European Human Exposome Network launch event in Brussels that took place one day before our kick-off meeting.


On the first evening, we had dinner at Tampella restaurant in the city centre. And on the second evening, we relaxed in the Sauna restaurant Kuuma, where, after dinner, we had a chance to go to the sauna and dip in a lake, which was not frozen but close enough!